Pong lived a fruitful and awesome life inside his shell.
Through his little ways, he touched our lives and became part of it by:
• Laughing with us because of wowowee contestants
• Cheering with us for our favorite basketball team in bTV
• Hanging out with us as we drink and smoke altogether
• Watching a movie and or TV series with us
• Getting angry with Butch and Borgy being so noisy and makulit
• And many other things we do in our living room
Pong is very shy. So shy he does not even speak any word nor present any sound, he is just right there, in his little home, keeping company (always) and spending all his time with us.
Who is Pong?
Pong is that cute little hermit crab which my kuya caught wandering around our kitchen floor.
He picked him up and gave him a world of his own where he can do anything he wants and sleep all the time he wanted.
My kuya even bought him a pasalubong from Sweden, a Swiss flag which gives his cute little home an amazing looking aura.
But I never knew why his name was Pong.
As part of living, our body grows, so as hermit crabs, and when they grow, in the natural scheme of things, they move from one shell to another. Pong can’t do that because we cannot seem to find a bigger shell for him.
Is has been two days since Pong felt ill and we can do nothing but sprinkle him a little water and give him food we think he wanted.
Just this afternoon, as I walked pass by his little home inside his own little world at the top of
Butch’s cage, I sprinkled a few water for him, but he did not move.
Pong is dead.
I hate seeing living things die especially those that I love.
Pong is the best hermit crab which ever lived!
Now, we are left with only three little cute pets.
Gerlie, the female flower horn with a huge forehead.
Butchoy, the skinny brown little Chihuahua who likes to lick sleeping people’s faces.
Borgy, the humungous little pug which gets tired for only about two minutes of running.